Clinical Trial Results TV
PCI / Devices: 130 submissions (showing 31 to 45)

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SCAI Press Conference for the Zilver and AMADEUS trials, and to announce the new expert consensus paper on length of sta
Dr. Baghat Reddy, Dr. Tomasz Siminiak, Dr. James Hermiller, Dr. Gregory Dehmer, Dr. Carl Tommaso, Dr. Charles Chambers

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Role of Bare Metal Stents in Contemporary Practice
Dr. Spencer King III

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Dr. Rajesh Dave presents the preliminary results of the CRYSTAL AMI Study
Dr. Raj Dave

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Dr. Cohen and Dr. Gibson discuss the one year results from the SYNTAX trial
Dr. David J. Cohen, Dr. C. Michael Gibson

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Dr. Sanjay Kaul and Dr. C. Michael Gibson discuss the implications of the SYNTAX trial at ACC 2009
Dr. Sanjay Kaul, Dr. C. Michael Gibson

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Dr. Douglas and Dr. Gibson discuss Stenting in Linked NCDR and CMS Database
Dr. C. Michael Gibson, Dr. Pamela Douglas

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Dr. Hermiller and Dr. Gibson Discuss Percutaneous Approach to Functional MR Using Evalve
Dr. James Hermiller, Dr. C. Michael Gibson

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Dr. Bonnie Weiner and Dr. C. Michael Gibson discuss current PCI procedure guidelines
Dr. C. Michael Gibson, Dr. Bonnie Weiner

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Dr. Krucoff and Dr. Gibson discuss Challenges Facing New DES- Can we Tell Newer from Better
Dr. C. Michael Gibson, Dr. Mitchell Krucoff

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Dr. Bonnie Weiner discusses the results of the COURAGE trial
Dr. Bonnie Weiner

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Dr. Gregg Stone presents the 30 Day Results of the HORIZONS AMI study
Dr. Gregg Stone, MD

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Dr. Jeffrey Popma and Dr. Mark Webster discuss the results of the A-F Trial
Dr. Jeff Popma, Dr. Mark Webster

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Dr. David Antoniucci presents the RECLOSE trial
Dr. David Antoniucci

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Dr. C. Michael Gibson and Dr. Lloyd Klein discuss the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR)
Dr. C. Michael Gibson, Dr. Lloyd Klein

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Dr. Duane Pinto and Dr. Allen Jeremias discuss the EVENT registry
Dr. Duane Pinto, Dr. Allen Jeremias