Clinical Trial Results TV
April 12, 2006: Embolic Protection and Thrombectomy: If Yes, When, Who and How
This video is sponsored by the Duke Clinical Medical Series.

Topics include:
* Case Presentation
* Embolic Protection and Thrombectomy If Yes: When, Who, and How?
* Outline
* Microembolization During Interventions (ACS)
* SAFER Angiographic Predictors % Graft Diseased, Plaque Volume, Rx
* Outline
* Embolic Protection Devices
* SAFER Primary Endpoint 30-day MACE (N = 801)
* EMERALD: Infarct Size By Tc-99m SPECT (Infarct Size; % LV)
* TriActiv System Key Components

The moderator, Peter Berger, MD, has indicated that he receives research/grant support
from Aventis, Conor, Guilford, Lumen, and Velocimed. Dr. Berger is also a member of an
advisory board for Genentech and Cordis/Johnson & Johnson; he has spoken at scientific
symposia for Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genentech, and Guilford. Dr. Berger also
serves as Medical Director and has equity with Lumen, Inc.

The guest faculty, James Hermiller, MD, has indicated that he receives research/grant
support from Cordis/Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, BSC, and Guidant. He is a consultant
for BSC, Guidant, and Anhoff.


Embolic Protection and Thrombectomy: If Yes, When, Who and How

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