This video is sponsored by the Duke Clinical Medical Series.
Topics include: * Diabetes Mellitus and ACS * DM in ACS: How Common? * Glucometabolic State in Non-DM CAD Admissions * European Heart Survey on DM 110 Centers; 25 ESC Member Countries * Canadian Trends: DM and CVD * DM in ACS: How Common? * Short- and Long-term Risk * Crude Mortality * DM and Short- and Long-term Mortality in ACS * 7-year Mortality by Age
he moderator, Kristin Newby, MD, has indicated that she receives research/grant support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Schering-Plough Research Institute, Novartis and Roche Diagnostics Corporation. Dr. Newby is also a member of an advisory board for Eli Lilly and a consultant for Proctor and Gamble; she has spoken at scientific symposia for Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi and Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The guest faculty, Professor Mikael Dellborg, has indicated that he has no industry relationships to disclose.